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pull out shelf company shelves that slide for all your kitchen pantry and bathroom roll out shelving needs Shelves That Slide, Inc. BBB Business Review  

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sliding shelf installation in Arizona and Nevada

Arizona residents 
Pull out Shelf installation available

Contact us @ Shelves that Slide

Email us

[email protected]


Toll Free 800-598-7390
Phoenix 623-780-2555
Prescott 928-775-3696
Tucson 520-293-2818
Las Vegas 702-434-0102
FAX 623-780-9815

We are a real brick and mortar establishment
Our class A shop, office and slide out shelves showroom are located at

  • Shelves That Slide Inc (not an LLC)
  • 4125 West Fortune Drive
  • Phoenix, AZ 85086

Please stop by and take a look at our showroom

We started out in 1989 as Pull Outs Plus. About a year latter partner's separated and Shelves that Slide started selling and installing pull out shelving. We began our home organization business in Tucson Arizona but strangely enough we were doing installations only in the Palm Springs California area. In fact at first we didn't offer installations in Arizona. Within the year we were offering shelves in the Phoenix and Tucson areas. After about five years we moved our main office and manufacturing facility to Phoenix while continuing to offer installation in Tucson and southern Arizona. We built our business one shelf at a time while specializing in offering the top quality pull out shelves and kitchen accessories available at a most reasonable price. We still custom manufacture our sliding shelves to fit into existing kitchen, pantry, and bathroom cabinets. We are a member of the Better Business Bureau. We are a licensed contractor in good standing with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors license #ROC139769. Our kitchen shelving / storage web site was started to give our local customers somewhere to go to preview our kitchen accessories and pull out shelves. We could not put all the information about our quality pullout shelving and our company in a small ad in the local paper (The Arizona Republic) so we figured we would start a website where we could put as much information as we needed. This had the fortunate side effect of spreading the word about our shelves and we started getting slide-out shelf orders from all over the country and now our online sales have surpassed our local business. We are excited that we can now "Make Your Life Easier" with a slide-out shelf wherever you live across the US and Canada. Please take a look at our measuring guide and information pages. If you have questions about any of our kitchen storage products please send us an e-mail or give us a call, we will be happy to help!

Shelves That Slide 4125 W Fortune Drive Phoenix Arizona 85086
Our 14,000 square foot class A facility in North Phoenix
We are located just West I17 and just South of the Anthem Outlet Mall

Please contact us with your questions about a slide-out shelf from Shelves That Slide and home organization. Your kitchen storage solution from a spice rack slide-out shelf for your lower kitchen cabinets to slide-out shelves for for your pantry cabinet. Shelves that slide custom makes one of the highest quality slide-out shelves available for your kitchen storage needs. Our sliding shelves come fully assembled, you mount the slides in your cabinet as described on our do-it-yourself page then put the shelf in place and stop getting on your knees to see what is in the back of your cabinet!

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Contact us - Phone M-F 7:30 - 3:30 MST 800-598-7390 - 623-780-2555 or email anytime [email protected]