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pull out shelf company shelves that slide for all your kitchen pantry and bathroom roll out shelving needs Shelves That Slide, Inc. BBB Business Review  

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Pull out Shelf installation available

Here are a few examples our our quality pull out shelves installed in cabinets
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Click on these thumbnails for a larger picture 

CLICK TO ENLARGE FOR PULL OUT SHELVES FROM SHELVES THAT SLIDE MAKING YOUR LIFE EASIER pull-outs roll-outs slide-outs    Click to Enlarge for pull out shelves from shelves that slide custom made pull out shelf for your kitchen cabinets slide-outs roll-outs pull-outs    Click to Enlarge  slide-outs roll-outs kitchen cabinet organization    Click to Enlarge picture of roll out shelves from shelves that slide making pull out shelves for over 13 years slide-outs roll-outs pull-outs kitchen cabinet organization 

Click to Enlarge sliding shelves make reaching even the back of you cabinet easy stop bending and reach for Shelves That Slide    Click to Enlarge and see what we mean when we say pull out the shelf not your back    Click to Enlarge the best investment in your home you can make, pull out shelves from shelves that slide    Click to Enlarge custom made to fit your existing kitchen cabinets slide out shelves from shelves that slide

Click to Enlarge to view another example of roll out shelves from shelves that slide    Click to Enlarge pull out shelving and shelves that slide can make getting to the back of your cabinet easier    Click to Enlarge the easy access cabinet conversion from shelves that slide, do it yourself pull out drawers and sliding shelves    Click to Enlarge do-it-yourself with simple to install sliding shelves from one of the best pull out shelf companies, Shelves that Slide

  Click to Enlarge we custom make our sliding shelves in 1/16 inch increments to get the most from your kitchen and bathroom cabinets    Click to Enlarge all of our sliding shelves come equiped with 100 poud capacity drawer slides from Blum, sure we could use a cheaper slide but the we wouldn't be shelves that slide    Click to Enlarge and view yet another example of sliding shelves from Shelves That Slide

Top quality sliding shelves roll-outs or pull-out shelves to make your life easier
Get to the back of your cabinet without getting on your hands and knees 

We have been making and installing custom made sliding shelves or "pull outs" for over thirteen years. We offer a lifetime warranty on all of the sliding shelves that we install and we warranty all of the kitchen pull-outs shelves we sell to be free from manufacturer's defects for as long as you own them. Take some time to explore our pictures of kitchen shelving, bathroom shelves and kitchen accessories, they may not be the best pictures or slide-outs but they certainly are the best kitchen pull-outs shelves. Other companies claim to have "un-matched" quality when they are offering a copy of our kitchen shelving installed on cheaper hardware. We prefer to exceed the norm not just match it. We have no worthless patents to vainly try to protect, we put our money into quality and the difference is clear our pull-outs are superior. Shelves that Slide builds and has built some of the best quality sliding shelves available today, yesterday and tomorrow. Installation of sliding shelves is one of the easiest home improvement projects that you can do yourself and it pays you back every single day. Sure you can stay with your existing kitchen shelving forget about kitchen cabinet organization and keep fumbling with trying to get that pot or pan from the back of your cabinet,  or maybe you enjoy crawling on your hands and knees across your kitchen floor and trying to get back up, or just maybe you are worth it, about $50 per shelf including shipping for custom made pull out shelves up to 39" wide with no extra charge for wider shelves (other than an increase to cover the shipping). Kitchen shelving, pull-outs, slide-outs and kitchen cabinet accessories. See what making your life easier is all about, kitchen cabinet organization with pullout shelves from Shelves That Slide.

pull out shelves    kitchen shelving  cabinet accessories

Kitchen cabinet organization with pull-outs slide-outs from Shelves That Slide then number one name in roll-outs

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